So, long story short, one of our favorite manufacturer's (ahem... LOC) was doing some cool stuff for some vendors and customers late last year. They made us some Coffee Mugs! My wife Melody LOVED the idea of logo mugs.
Nevertheless, we figured out a way to do the work, and now we are bringing it to you!
Above is the cup I personally made with a photo of my Level 3 Rocket (SuperBeast) taking off on an Aerotech M1419W! Our good friend and native Colorado Rocketeer George Barnes took this photo for me, and it's been a staple of rocket items I share!
I printed this on a mug so I can take to work, so when I take drink, people HAVE to ask where and when I got this!
Do yourself a favor, and order these for yourself. They are $19.99 and CUSTOM made by us for YOU!
Order them as gifts, or make one for yourself!
On the order page, there is a location to upload up to THREE images, since I do print FRONT AND BACK! See how to order these HERE!
If you are having trouble ordering these, then please CONTACT US, or send an email about it to
We have already made mugs for ULA, Front Range Rocket Recovery, Tinder Rocketry, Skydancer Rocketry, and Nana.
Please do an order and help us get started on this new venture!
Thanks a ton!